Trace chemotherapy waste is defined as items that have been contaminated through contact with or have previously contained chemotherapeutic agents. In order to be considered “Trace” chemotherapeutic waste, the item or container must contain less than 3% by weight of the original quantity of the chemotherapeutic agent.

These items include, but are not limited to: empty syringes, pipettes, pads, gauze, glass vials or bottles, items generated in the preparation and administration of cytotoxic / antineoplastic drugs, intravenous solution bags and attached tubing, gloves, gowns and personal protective equipment that has come into contact with chemotherapeutic agents.

Proper packaging and disposal of trace chemotherapy waste is required by State and Federal agencies. Logix Environmental offers a complete line of chemotherapy waste containers and disposal options.

Logix Environmental offers a streamline of medical waste disposal options for business, including trace chemotherapy waste disposal. Our work place solution approach is designed to protect your business, customers, and employees from loose sharps and medical waste.

Our Medical Waste Disposal Solutions is in place to protect your business and the environment. Our environmentally friendly process is the way of ultimate removal and destruction of sharps waste, medical waste and chemotherapy waste.

As your environmental partner, Logix Environmental can work with you to ensure that you are complying with local, state and federal regulations that regulate disposal of these potentially hazardous medical waste.

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Keep your business up to date with regulatory compliance. Our experienced team can provide a walk through consultation to keep your business protected.